The complete list of awards, honors, and achievements of prof. A. Pilipenko

Honors and awards of state authorities

The Kharkiv Regional State Administration Grant named after M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky in economics for young scientists (2003)

The Gratitude of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Education and Science Department (2005)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Grant for young scientists (2005-2007)

Honorary Diploma the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2009)

Honorary Diploma of the Ukraine Ministry for Family, Youth and Sports (2009)

Winner Diploma of IV regional competition "The best young Kharkiv region scientist" (2009)

Diplomas of Dzerzhinsky district council in Kharkiv (2009)

Executive Committee of Kharkiv City Council Honorary Diploma (2010)

Laureate of the President of Ukraine Prize for young scientists (2010)

Excellence in Education of Ukraine (2014)

Diplomas of the Kharkiv Regional Council (2014)

Acknowledgment of the Kharkiv Mayor (2016)

Diploma of Kharkiv city council (2017)

Grants and Competitions

Scholarship holder from Foundation of Protection And Support Authors Intellectual Property named after N.A. Kutsyn (1996)

Laureate Diploma of City Contest "Young Man of the Year – 2008"

Winner of "Young Man of the Year" of Kharkiv Dzerzhinsky district (2008)


Winning in Nomination "Young KhNEU lecturer" (2003)

Diploma of the UACAA (2013)

 Printed publications

Entrance to the book "Leading scientists of the Kharkiv National University of Economics"

Nomynant of the nationwide program "The Scientists of Ukraine" (2014)

Scientific community

Academician of the Academy of Economics Sciences of Ukraine (2013)

Professional Development

Advanced training at Kharkiv National University of Economics (2005)

Advanced training at the University of Education Management (2014)

System thinking (2018)

Social Entrepreneurship IBS (2018)

The higher education institutions scientific and pedagogical workers communicative competence development (2019)

Business English Certifivate Vantage. Council of Europe Level B2. Sert. №A9728051 (17/07/2019)

Microsoft DAT207x: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI (06/03/2020)

Honors and awards of state authorities



Grants and Competitions






Printed publications



Scientific community



Professional Development



Andriy PylypenkoAndriy Pylypenko

Head of the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics Accounting and Business Consulting Department

Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor
Excellence in Education of Ukraine
Academician of Academy of Economics Sciences of Ukraine

Main information 

Education: - Professor of the Accounting Chair (2011)
  - Doctor of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Management of Enterprises (2009). Doctoral thesis completed on "Organization of economic entities integration development management"
  - Associate Professor of the Accounting Chair (2007)
  - PhD in the specialty 08.06.01 – Enterprise Economics and Organization of Production (2000). Thesis completed on "Shaping organizational-economic mechanism for ensuring stable work the enterprise"
  - Graduated from the Accounting and Audit Faculty of Kharkiv State University of Economics (1992-1997)
Actyvity: - Member of the Scientific-Methodical Commission on Economy and Entrepreneurship Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine (from 2010 to 2014)
  - Has elected as Academician of Academy of Economics Sciences of Ukraine (2013)
  - Member of Two Specialized Scientific Councils for doctoral theses protection in:
Kharkiv State University of Economics (scientific specialties 08.00.07 - Demography, Labor Economics, Social Economics and Politics and 08.07.08 - Finance, Monetary Circulation, and Credit);  
Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade (scientific specialties 08.00.04 – Economics and Management of Enterprises and 08.00.09 - Accounting, Analysis, and Auditing)
  - Member of the International Association for Institutional Studies and Ukrainian union of scientists-economists
  - Deputy of editor-in-chief of three scientific journals "Economics of development", "Management Development" and "Journal of Economic Studies of S. Kuznets KhNUE", which published by Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  - Member of the editorial board of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy National University scientific journal "Bulletin"
  - Under my scientific supervision prepared six Ph.D. thesis
  - Published over 226 scientific and educational works (Scopus Author ID 36176193800)
  - I am actively involved in scientific research of different universities
Main Scientific Publications: - Development of Theoretical and Methodological Grounds of Accounting, Analysis, Control, and Audit (2012)
  - Integration Development of Economic Subjects: Theoretical Substantiation and organization of management (2012)
  - The accounting and analytical support formation for cost management of Enterprises and their associations (2011)
  - Strategic Integration of Enterprises: Mechanism of Management and Modelling of Development (2008)
  - The Integrated Business Structure Management Organizing by Balanced Scorecard Tools (2007)
  - The accounting and analytical support organizing for enterprise strategic development (2007)
  - Balanced Score Card: anthology of foreign experience (2007)
  - Managemet of Creation and Development of Outstanding Corporation (2007)
  - Strategic groups of enterprise: concept, methodology, management (2005)


Awards, honors, and achievements of prof. A. Pylypenko

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